Customizing Your Project

Customizing a Project Landing Page | Customizing an Item Page | Creating a Page

AudiAnnotate projects are presented minimally by default. However, users can add contextual information (text, photos, links, etc.) to any project page through GitHub. To do so, you will need to have basic knowledge of either HTML or markdown. Learn more about HTML through this free tutorial or markdown in this free guide.

Customizing a Project Landing Page

The project landing page is the home page for your project. By default, it will show the name of your project and present a link to a page for each audiovisual item. You may wish to include some introductory information about your project on this page.

  1. Navigate to your projects page in AudiAnnotate
  2. Select “Edit” for the appropriate project
  3. Select “Edit” for the appropriate project

  4. Open the index.markdown file by clicking the linked text
  5. This will take you to the file for your project in your GitHub repository.

    Open the index.markdown file by clicking linked text

  6. Enter your content below the dashed line in either HTML or markdown language
  7. You can enter text, tables, images, links, etc.

    Enter your content below the dashed line in either HTML or markdown language

  8. Select "Commit changes"
  9. Select "Commit changes"

This workflow was created with Tango

Customizing an Item Page

An item page is the individual page that houses one audiovisual item and its annotations. You may wish to include some additional information about the audiovisual item on this page.

Note: you can also use basic HTML within annotations to, for example, use italic or bold text or include links.

  1. Navigate to your projects page in AudiAnnotate
  2. Select “Edit” for the appropriate project
  3. Select “Edit” for the appropriate project

  4. Select the appropriate audiovisual item
  5. Select the appropriate audiovisual item

  6. Open the index.markdown file by clicking the linked text
  7. Open the index.markdown file by clicking the linked text

  8. Enter your content below the dashed line in either HTML or markdown language
  9. You can enter text, tables, images, links, etc.

    Enter your content below the dashed line in either HTML or markdown language

  10. Select "Commit changes"
  11. Select "Commit changes"

This workflow was created with Tango

Creating a Page

You may want to add a page to your project that does not house any audiovisual items or annotations, but instead holds some other contextual information relevant to your project, e.g., a bibliography or an essay. To do so, you will need to create a page within your project.

  1. Navigate to your projects page in AudiAnnotate
  2. Select “Edit” for the appropriate project
  3. Select “Edit” for the appropriate project

  4. Select "Create Page"
  5. Select "Create Page"

  6. Give your page a title
  7. Give your page a title

  8. Select "Save"
  9. Select "Save"

  10. Open the index.markdown file by clicking the linked text
  11. Open the index.markdown file by clicking the linked text

  12. Enter your content below the dashed line in either HTML or markdown language
  13. You can enter text, tables, images, links, etc.

    Enter your content below the dashed line in either HTML or markdown language

  14. Select "Commit changes"
  15. Select "Commit changes"

This workflow was created with Tango