Annotations for "Song"

Item Time Annotation Layer
May 26, 1981 - AM 0:09 - 2:39 Radio Venceremos is heard
from the center of the mountain,
transmitting its message
with the power of a people in arms.
At 6:00 AM
its transmission is heard,
it's Radio Venceremos
and it's the voice of our revolution.
It’s a powerful radio station,
everyone here listens to it,
it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio.
It’s a powerful radio station,
and everyone here listens to it,
it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio.

All the combatants are very motivated
because Radio Venceremos
has them well-informed.
All the combatants are very motivated
because Radio Venceremos
has them well-informed.
It’s a powerful radio station,
everyone here listens to it,
it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio.
It’s a powerful radio station,
everyone here listens to it,
it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio.

May 26, 1981 - AM 2:41 - 3:51 The people, united, will never be defeated!
The people, united, will never be defeated!
The people, united, will never be defeated!

On foot, singing
Because we’re going to triumph.
Advance now
Flags of unity.
And you will come
Marching next to mi
and in that way you will see
your song and your flag flourish.
The light
of a red dawn
now announces
the life which will come.

On foot, marching
The people will triumph.
The life that will come
Will be better
To conquer
Our happiness
And in one shout
A thousand voices in combat will raise
Shall sing
A song of liberty
With determination
The homeland will prevail.

May 26, 1981 - AM 4:12 - 4:34 The motherland is
forging unity.
From north to south
people will mobilize,
from the salt flat
hot and mineral
to the southern forest,
united in the fight and the work,
they will go,
they will cover the motherland.

May 26, 1981 - AM 4:47 - 5:14 …steely are
the ardent battalions,
their hands go,
carrying the justice and the reasoning.
with fire and with courage,
now you are here
together with the working man.

And now the people
rise up in the fight
with the voice of a giant,
shouting: forward!

May 26, 1981 - AM 7:04 - 7:29 Come,
Let us go now
Waiting if not knowing
The time has come
And there is no time to waste.
Let us go now.
Waiting if not knowing
The time has come
And there is no time to waste.
In the hands and in the heart,
We are all soldiers…

May 26, 1981 - AM 8:28 - 8:52 And now the people
rises up in the fight
with the voice of a giant,
shouting: forward!

The united people will never be defeated,
the united people will never be defeated...

May 26, 1981 - AM 20:19 - 20:37 Ashes are found
in the entire departament,
from the peasant family houses
and their belongings.

May 26, 1981 - AM 21:03 - 21:19 This song
That I sing to you
Is of burnt houses
By the imperialist fire
Of the Junta and its Armed Forces.
This song
That I sing to you
Is of burnt houses
By the imperialist fire
Of the Junta and its Armed Forces.

May 26, 1981 - AM 24:06 - 24:20 I want punishment
I want punishment
I want punishment

May 26, 1981 - AM 31:47 - 32:23 Small daughter of mine,
Forgive me for falling silent,
But this silence
is also a scream
That reaches all men in the town,
That in the early morning
Left their lives to make possible
Your dream,
Daughter of mine.

May 26, 1981 - AM 35:43 - 36:53 Small daughter of mine,
Who barely begins to feel
the passage of time on your girl’s skin
And to look at the prints on your firm hands,
That kiss mine before sleeping.

Small daughter of mine,
I love you so much
I don’t want to bequeath you the pain of my days,
That is why I propose and I’m determined happiness
That I sow with my song and it will become your cornstalk,
And it will become your cornstalk.

Small daughter of mine,
When you ask me
Who owns the earth? Who owns poetry?
Who owns bitterness? Who owns the smile?
I kiss your eyes with the utmost tenderness.

Small daughter of mine,
I must explain to you
That the struggle is hard,
But the wound is less painful when it is--

May 26, 1981 - AM 45:11 - 45:22 …united, will never be defeated!
The people, united, will never be defeated!
The people, united, will never be defeated!

May 26, 1981 - PM 1:02 - 1:09 …will never be defeated!
The people united, will never be defeated!
The people united…
May 26, 1981 - PM 6:01 - 6:38 We will give our lives for the fatherland,
We will fight to see her liberated.
Peace in this land we will sow,
Working day by day, we will live.
Tyrants and assassins wil be no more.
Children will play in the streets.
The winds of justice will return,
And they will blow on our people.
May 26, 1981 - PM 15:38 - 16:12 Socialism will be our future.
All together, we will be history's completion.
To fulfill, to fulfill, to fulfill

We will prevail, we will prevail
A thousand chains we'll have to break,
We will prevail, we will prevail
We will know how to overcome misery!

We will prevail, We will prevail…
May 26, 1981 - PM 16:52 - 16:57 Peasants, soldiers, miners,
And the women of our country, as well,
Students, workers, white-collar and blue,
We will fulfill our duty.
May 26, 1981 - PM 17:07 - 17:39 All together, we will be history's completion.
To fulfill, to fulfill, to fulfill

We will prevail, we will prevail!
A thousand chains we'll have to break,
We will prevail, we will prevail!
We will know how to overcome misery!
We will prevail, we will prevail!
A thousand chains we'll have to break…
