Annotations for "Debray"

Item Time Annotation Layer
May 26, 1981 - AM 41:48 - 42:20 Next, information on Paris, France.
The President of France, François Mitterrand tapped writer and journalist Regis Debray as his foreign policy advisor. Debray, who is 40 years of age, has a degree in Philosophy from the Univeristy of Soborna and he has an advanced education from the Superior National School, both of which are in Paris. He is part of the French Socialist Party since 1973.
May 26, 1981 - AM 42:21 - 42:48 Regis Debray was with Commander Ernesto “Che” Guevara during the struggle in Bolivia. In his last trip to Latin America, Regis Debray gave his complete support to the Salvadoran people’s struggle for peace and democracy against the military dictatorships that have oppressed the country for the past 50 years.