Workshop Agenda
Thursday, May 28 12-2pm CT.
12:00-12:10 - Introductions
12:10-12:15 - Introduce AudiAnnotate project and SpokenWeb example (slides)
12:15-12:25 - IIIF-AV and annotations (slides)
12:25-12:35 - AudiAnnotate Application simple workflow walkthrough
12:35-12:45 - Break out rooms: Hands-on creation of AudiAnnotate project and manifest
Links to SpokenWeb Audio:
Margaret Atwood at SGWU, 1974 - Direct Link to Audio MP3 (This is what you will add as “Audio File URL”)
12:45-12:50 - Q&A
12:50-12:55 - Creating annotations using Audacity
12:55-1:05 - Layers and kinds of annotations; adding layers to project
1:05-1:20 - Break out rooms: Hands-on create your own annotations and upload into AudiAnnotate
1:20-1:35 - Static sites, Jekyll and GitHub (slides)
1:35-2:00 - Q&A and conclusions